Board kidnapped on Valentine's Day
Yes, you read that right. On the day of love, our board was kidnapped... by its own MT, no less. The abduction took them to SHIP in IJmuiden (Sluis Haven Informatie Punt, an experience about the greatest sea lock in the world and the North Sea Canal area). After that, the journey continued to the A200, where the developments surrounding a new bridge at Halfweg were considered.
Earlier, the board had asked the MT members to explain what the objective is. In 2025, we'll help POWERFUL PEOPLE to create a PLEASANT ENVIRONMENT, we do so by making RIGO VERFFABRIEK the leading TOP BRAND in markets where CRAFTSMEN add TRUE VALUE means for the RIGO Verffabriek processes. At SHIP and the A200, the MT had the perfect opportunity to show the board what you need to plan not just 5, but 100 years ahead! And the only way to do so is with powerful people/craftsmen. Because the thing that binds all these processes together are the people performing them. Of course, this is all rather abstract, so the board was given some homework. The strength of each employee had to be described in a single word to determine everyone's contribution to the journey to 2025. We're happy the board was taken home safely afterwards. 2025, here we come!