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Flashy Street Art in Utrecht

Street art on a floor presents its own set of challenges. In addition to colour options, the level of glossiness and wear resistance are important factors. Our technical consultants were asked for advice!

Flashy Street Art in Utrecht


Hotel Moxy, Utrecht

Performed by

Amsterdam Streetart


RIGO Verfcentrum


Self-levelling compound floor

Applied Product

EKODUR Lacquer 1K Interior Satin, EKODUR Primer, STEP Parquet Lacquer 2K Gloss, STEP Parquet Lacquer 2K Matte


The challenge

Amsterdam Streetart was commissioned to create a full-colour work of art on the floor of Hotel Moxy in Utrecht. The colours had to correspond to the colour palette of the STIJL, an art style that was applied to the iconic Mondriaan house in Utrecht, among others. Because Amsterdam Streetart generally creates their artwork on vertical walls, they asked us for advice on the best paint system for this substrate. To sum it up: this project called for intensive primary colours, combined with excellent wear resistance and a matte appearance.

Kleur opzetten met EKODUR

The solution

The artwork was created in the desired colours using EKODUR Primer and EKODUR Lacquer 1K Interior. The water-based EKODUR paints can be coloured in any colour of the rainbow using our colour mixing system.

Afterwards, the floor art can be protected using STEP Parquet Lacquer.

In order to guarantee the intensity of the colours, the surface first received a coat of STEP Parquet Lacquer 2K Gloss. Finally, a coat of STEP Parquet Lacquer 2K Matte was applied to achieve the desired, matte appearance.

 Samenwerking RIGO en ASA

The End result

Deze streetart is een echte blikvanger geworden in Mondriaan kleuren in dit trendy hotel. De samenwerking tussen RIGO Verffabriek en Amsterdam Streetart heeft weer een bijzonder en slijtvast kunstwerk opgeleverd. Een geslaagde samenwerking in een fijne omgeving.

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